Audio Analytics
"Get in the habit of analysis, Analysis will in time enable synthesis to become your habit of mind" -Frank Lloyd Wright
Unfortunately, purely plugging in and turning up a sound system doesn't always yield desirable results. There are many factors that need to be considered from the things we see and hear to the things that the ear isn't as receptable to such as the mysterious phase response of the speakers.
With the use Smaart software developed by Rational Acoustics we can get a visual reference to back-up the things that we cannot always hear. It can be used a simple Real-Time Analyser to get that pleasing frequency response or it can be used to "dig deeper." Most sound systems, regardless of the quality are on the cusp of greatness, Smaart can help isolate the weaknesses of any sound system or any of it's independent parts.
Rational Acoustics Smaart software is just merely a tool to supply data. Once the data is collected it's important to know what to do with it, that is where Rational Acoustics training comes into play. The training course provided an in-depth look at the enitre process, even the most important part of measurement systems set-up. Without high coherence the data that is collected can lead to making erroneuous conclusions.